
How do I work?
From my perspective, Psychotherapy is a journey of self-exploration where you’ll have a chance to deepen your understanding of your life story, and make desirable changes.
First, it’s good to get to know each other so that we can build a relationship based on trust. In therapy sessions, I listen attentively and take an interest in learning about you to the best of my ability. It’s important to me that you feel that you’re in a safe space so that you can talk freely. While we may cover topics that bring pain or worrisome emotions, for me, therapy is not just a “valley of tears,“ because there is also a space for joy, liveliness, humour and successes.
The way therapy works is a bit of a paradox. The moment we stop to look within, and accept what we see, is the moment when we actually see change coming!

For whom is therapy a good option?
I work solely with adult individuals (I do not work with children, teenagers, couples or groups).
People seek me out for my services when they:

  • feel generally unhappy in life
  • experience a lot of stress or anxiety
  • have psychosomatic problems
  • struggle in work-life or in personal relationships
  • experienced something very difficult or painful (including trauma)
  • are interested in self-development

To begin or not to begin?
While thinking of engaging in therapy, it is pretty common to doubt it or worry. Will it be worthwhile? Will the therapist be able to help me? Will we get along? Of course, yes, it is a step into the unknown and that requires courage, but it is also a first step towards hope and a happier life. If you feel “stuck” in life, a bit unhappy, or just simply need help, contact me and let’s schedule our first session.

Why attend therapy with me?

  • 4000+ hours of therapeutic work
  • 1000+ hours of professional education
  • 300+ satisfied clients
  • 9 years of practice

Somatic experiencing®

Somatic experiencing® (SE) is an effective and evidence-based method for healing trauma and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). For more details and scientific evidence, please see:
When our nervous system gets overwhelmed with a stressful event (or a series of events) and is unable to fully integrate this experience, trauma is created. The powerful energy that is supposed to be used to save our lives “gets stuck“ in our bodies. That leads to our bodies either being constantly irritated (hyperactive) or shut down (dissociated, depressed). Thanks to the gradual and sensitive approach of SE, we are able to access this “locked-in energy“ and release it from the body. This process brings deep relief and symptoms subsequently dissipate.

SE is perfect for working with “mono-traumas“ (on-time events) as well as with developmental traumas. Here are some examples of events that can create trauma:

  • motor vehicle accidents
  • assault (by a human or animal)
  • rape
  • falling
  • choking, drowning
  • surgical procedures
  • natural disasters
  • prenatal and perinatal stress events
  • abuse or neglect by parents (or other caretakers)
  • violence within the family, unstable family situations, etc.

Additionally, the Somatic experiencing® is amazing for establishing a better contact with one’s body and overall emotions. It’s a useful tool for self-development and suitable for practically everyone.

If interested in learning more, you may read about SE here


About me


2021 – 2024 Somatic experiencing®
2012 – 2017 Training in dynamic psychotherapy (600 hours)
2007 – 2015 Psychology – Charles University in Prague (Master‘s degree)
2015 – 2016 Crisis intervention training (150 hours)

Work experience:
2021 – now Psychotherapist: Ambulance Roubal s.r.o.
2020 – 2022 Psychotherapist: Psychosomatic clinic Roseta
2019 – 2021 Psychologist: Fokus, Mladá Boleslav
2016 – 2018 Head of psychology department – Centrum Paraple o.p.s
2016 – now Private counselling and therapy
2015 School counselor


1,500 CZK
45 mins
Somatic experiencing®
1,800 CZK
50-65 mins